FIVEaa – Regional hospitals funding

  LEON BYNER:  Now, there’s been a lot of discussion, as you know, about hospitals like Moonta community hospitals, the one at Keith… the State Government are adamant that these are private hospitals and so ‘why should taxpayers’ money be used to help private hospitals when they should be able to run their own businesses?’ Then…


4BC – Carbon tax, impact on petrol prices

  GEOFF MULLINS:  A prediction this afternoon that petrol prices will go through the roof because of the carbon tax. I see today federal Government climate adviser Ross Garnaut says he’ll release additional papers at the end of the month detailing how much money is expected to be raised by Labor’s carbon tax. The Professor has announced…


Melbourne Talk Radio (MTR1377) – Home Insulation Safety Plan reports, carbon tax

  LUKE GRANT:  Simon Birmingham is a Senator from South Australia. He’s also the Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for the Environment and he joins me on the line. Evening, Senator.   SIMON BIRMINGHAM: Good evening, Luke. Good evening, listeners.   LUKE GRANT: Appreciate your time very much indeed. A lot coming out of this today but clearly the wastage is one issue…
