Interview on 4BC Drive with Scott Emerson

Topics: National accounts; Greg Hunt; Christian Porter 01/12/2021 4:20PM AEST   Scott Emerson: The Australian economy contracted during the September quarter as a result, of course, of the COVID lockdowns in the nation’s two biggest cities, just as Australia learns to cope with this new variant of the virus, Omicron. New data from the Bureau…


Interview on Triple J, Hack with David Marchese

Topics: Jenkins Review into Commonwealth Parliamentary Workplaces; 30/11/2021 5:36PM AEST   David Marchese: We’re going to get some more reaction now from Simon Birmingham he’s the Finance Minister and his department is actually responsible for people working in parliament. He joins me now. Minister, welcome to Hack.   Simon Birmingham: Hello, Dave. Good to be…


Interview on Sky News Live, Afternoon Agenda with Kieran Gilbert

  Topics: Jenkins Review into Commonwealth Parliamentary Workplaces; Senate conduct; privileges committee; National Cabinet; Omicron variant; Future Fund bill; 30/11/2021 4:38PM AEST   Kieran Gilbert: In the studios, the finance minister, Simon Birmingham, thanks so much for your time and big day today. With the Jenkins review released, 28 recommendations, why didn’t you and the…


Interview on ABC News, Afternoon Briefing with Patricia Karvelas

Topics: Jenkins Review into Commonwealth Parliamentary Workplaces; Senate conduct; privileges committee; National Cabinet; Omicron variant; Future Fund bill; 30/11/2021 4:18PM AEST   Patricia Karvelas: He’s my guest this afternoon, Minister, welcome.   Simon Birmingham: Hello, Patricia. Good to be with you.   Patricia Karvelas: One in three employees have been harassed while at work in…
