Interview on ABC RN Breakfast with Fran Kelly    

E&OE TRANSCRIPT Interview on ABC RN Breakfast with Fran Kelly     Topics: Gonski 2.0; Education Council; NAPLAN; Schools funding; Higher education fee deregulation 04/05/2018 07:37AM   Fran Kelly:       State and territory education ministers will sit down with their federal counterpart, Simon Birmingham, today as the Federal Government tries to sell its latest school teaching overhaul.…


Interview on Sky News Live with Kieran Gilbert

E&OE TRANSCRIPT Interview on Sky News Live with Kieran Gilbert Topics: Release of Gonski 2.0 report 01/05/2018 07:49 AM Kieran Gilbert: The Government’s going to present its report on the Gonski 2.0 reforms to the states and territories this Friday. With me is the Education Minister Simon Birmingham to discuss that. Already, even before you’ve…


Joint doorstop interview, Ermington West Public School

E&OE TRANSCRIPT Joint Doorstop interview, Ermington West Public School Topics: Release of Gonski 2.0 report; Banking Royal Commission 30/04/2018 11:00AM John Alexander: Welcome everyone to Ermington West Primary School. Welcome Prime Minister, welcome David Gonski, old friend and Simon Birmingham, our Minister and thank you so much Shannan for your welcome here today. Shannan is…


Interview on 6PR Drive with Oliver Peterson

E&OE TRANSCRIPT Interview on 6PR Drive with Oliver Peterson Topics: Release of Gonski 2.0 report 30/04/2018 17:05PM Oliver Peterson: The Education Minister Simon Birmingham has been doing the rounds today as the Gonski report calls for massive changes to our school curriculum. According to OECD statistics, Australian reading standards have dropped from fourth in the…


Interview on Daily Telegraph Miranda Devine Live

E&OE TRANSCRIPT Interview on Daily Telegraph Miranda Devine Live Topics: Release of Gonski 2.0 report 30/04/2018 17:30PM Miranda Devine: Well, we’re talking the latest Gonski 2.0 report on education released today, which proposed a, quote, ‘radical overhaul of the national curriculum to boost student outcomes’. And now in the studio with us is the Federal…


Interview on Sky News Live with David Speers

E&OE TRANSCRIPT Interview on Sky News Live with David Speers Topics: Release of Gonski 2.0 report 30/04/2018 4:04pm David Speers: Well, the Education Minister Simon Birmingham joins me now. Minister, thanks for your time this afternoon. Simon Birmingham: G’day David. David Speers: Labor says there’s not much new in these recommendations. A lot of it…


Interview on 4BC Drive with Ben Davis

E&OE TRANSCRIPT Interview on 4BC Drive with Ben Davis Topics: New Gonski recommendations for schools 30/04/2018 15:19PM Ben Davis: School pick up happened in the last 20 minutes or so, if you’ve got the kids or the grandkids in the car you’ll need to listen up because depending on their age, they’re headed for big…


Interview on 4BC Drive with Ben Davis

E&OE TRANSCRIPT Interview on 4BC Drive with Ben Davis    Topics: Release of Gonski 2.0 report 30/04/2018 15:19PM   Ben Davis:       School pick up happened in the last 20 minutes or so, if you’ve got the kids or the grandkids in the car you’ll need to listen up because depending on their age, they’re headed for…
