Triple J – Hack with Avani Dias

Topic: Budget 2021-22 12/05/2021 05:30PM   Avani Dias:  Simon Birmingham, Federal Finance Minister, is here. And if you do have a question for him, text me. Minister, thanks for coming on Hack.   Simon Birmingham: Hello, Avani. It’s great to be with you.   Avani Dias: All right, let’s start with jobs. It’s a big one for young…


3AW – Afternoons with Tom Elliot

Topic: Budget 2021-22 12/05/2021 05:05PM   Tom Elliot: The Federal Finance Minister, Simon Birmingham, Mr Birmingham. Good afternoon.   Simon Birmingham: Hello, Tom. It’s great to be with you.   Tom Elliot: Great, we’ve got the line working again. Now, there’s a really big number in the Budget figures and its $1 trillion. That’s where Federal Government debt…


ABC – Afternoon Briefing with Patricia Karvelas

Topic: Budget 2021-22 12/05/2021 4:00PM   Patricia Karvelas: Simon Birmingham is the Finance Minister and my guest face to face. Welcome.   Simon Birmingham: Hello, Patricia. Great to see you.   Patricia Karvelas: Do you expect all Australians to be vaccinated by the end of the year?   Simon Birmingham: Well no, Patricia. The vaccine approvals currently don’t extend,…


4BC – Drive with Scott Emerson

Topic: Budget 2021-22 12/05/2021 03:20PM   Scott Emerson A spendathon, some describe it as labor lite or labor heavy, depending on who you are, and a lot of money, a lot of debt, a lot of deficit, but also designed to get jobs into the economy again, unemployment rate, push it down below five per cent.…


ABC Radio – Perth with Nadia Mitsopoulus

Topic: Budget 2021-22 12/05/2021 11:05 AM   Nadia Mitsopoulos: Good morning, Minister.   Simon Birmingham: Good morning, Nadia. Good to be with you.   Nadia Mitsopoulos: Now you’re expecting deficits for the next 10 years. Net debt is expected to peak at nearly a trillion dollars in 2025. Where are the hard calls on how to pay off…


6PR Perth – Mornings with Liam Bartlett

Topic: Budget 2021-22 12/05/2021 10:45AM   Liam Bartlett: Joining us is federal Finance Minister Simon Birmingham. Minister, good morning.   Simon Birmingham: Good morning, Liam. It’s great to be with you.   Liam Bartlett: Minister, is this a budget or is this another stimulus package dressed up as a budget?   Simon Birmingham: This is a budget that is…


LAFM – Tasmania Walks with Mike O’Loughlin

Topic: Budget 2021-22 12/02/2021 10:30AM   Mike O’Loughlin: Seven billion in structural spending for aged care. We’ve got Josh Frydenberg’s budget, which delivered the forecast for gross debt to pass one trillion in last October’s COVID delayed budget. And he laid out something of a plan to eventually start, I guess, chipping away at the mountain…


Bloomberg with Paul Allen

Topic: Budget 2021-2021 12/05/2021 10:20AM   Paul Allen: Deficits as far as the eye can see and debt to go along with it and to discuss the budget and the spending involved, I’m joined by finance minister, Simon Birmingham. Minister, thank you so much for joining us today and making time on a very busy day.…


Mix 104.9 Darwin – Latest with Katie Woolf

Topic: Budget 2021-22 12/05/2021 10:10AM   Katie Woolf: But, what’s in it for the Northern Territory? Well, joining us on the line is the Federal Finance Minister, Simon Birmingham. Good morning to you.   Simon Birmingham: Good morning, Katie. Great to be with you.   Katie Woolf: Minister, thanks so much for your time. When we look at…


CH 9 – Today Extra

Topic: Budget 2021-22 12/05/2021 09:50AM   Sylvia Jeffreys: Crisis in history, the government is on a mission to steer Australia out of the pandemic, dishing out a pre-election cash splash to supercharge the economy.   David Campbell: Finance Minister Simon Birmingham joins us now. Minister, great to have you on this morning. Job creation was…
