Interview – Sky News – To the Point

Subject: Radicalisation, Higher Education E&OE…  KRISTINA KENEALLY: We do want to go through to our guest today, the Minister for Education and Training Simon Birmingham, who's also joining us out of Canberra. Good afternoon Minister Birmingham. SIMON BIRMINGHAM: Hello Kristina and Peter, I'm wondering if I should wave as well, like Peter just did. KRISTINA…


Interview – ABC 891 Adelaide – Ian Henschke

Subject: Higher Education Reforms; Vocational Education and Training E&OE… IAN HENSCHKE: Simon Birmingham is the Education and Training Minister and he’s just announced that he will not reintroduce the government’s higher education bill in to Parliament for another vote this year. Politics is about the art of the achievable is it, Simon Birmingham? SIMON BIRMINGHAM:…


Interview – Doorstop – Playford

Subject: Stretton Centre; Submarines; Urban Rail Projects E&OE… JAY WEATHERILL: [inaudible] and no better place and no better name to have such an ambition than the name of Hugh Stretton, a fantastic public intellectual who has really [inaudible] to understand the world of work, it’s connection to with how cities operate, and in this growing…
