Press Conference

Transcript, E&OE Topics: New tourism campaign targeting the UK.   26 December 2019   Question: Minister, it’s a pretty competitive market. What are you guys hoping to achieve with this ad? Simon Birmingham: We really want to capture the attention and the hearts and minds of British tourists. We know that by using Kylie Minogue, Shane Warne,…


Interview on ABC Radio Adelaide, Breakfast with Ali Clarke and David Bevan

Transcript, E&OE Topics: Submarine Maintenance Jobs; SA’s Water Security. 09 December 2019 David Bevan: Simon Birmingham is the Federal Minister for Trade but he’s South Australia’s leading Liberal MP. He joins us now. Good morning, Simon Birmingham. Simon Birmingham: Good morning, David and Ali. David Bevan: Well on the subs, West Australian Premier Mark McGowan says he’d be…


Interview on 2GB, Money News, with Ross Greenwood

Transcript, E&OE Topics: trade surplus levels; gas exports; US-Australia trade relationship. 03 December 2019 Ross Greenwood: You know what it is. Even the Minister for Trade Simon Birmingham knows that one, don’t you Simon? Simon Birmingham: Nutbush City Limits, Ross. Ross Greenwood: Thank you very much. And when did it come out, Simon? Simon Birmingham: Now you’re testing me.…


Interview on ABC 7:30 Report with Leigh Sales

Transcript, E&OE Topics: Medevac Repeal Bill; Angus Taylor. 02 December 2019 LEIGH SALES: And joining me now is the Coalition’s Deputy Leader in the Senate, Senator Simon Birmingham. Thanks very much for being with us, Senator. SIMON BIRMINGHAM: Hello, Leigh. Good to be with you. LEIGH SALES: Can I ask firstly, has the Government reached a deal yet…


Interview on 5AA, Mornings, with Leon Byner

Transcript, E&OE Topics: Trade deals; Australia-India relationship. 29 November 2019 Leon Byner: Let’s talk to Trade Minister Simon Birmingham. Simon, how was this proposition put to us and good morning. Simon Birmingham: Good morning Leon. I think it’s important to be clear that actually it’s quite a speculative piece published in The Age, that we haven’t had…


Interview on ABC South West WA, Country Hour, with Belinda Varischetti

Transcript, E&OE Topics: IA-CEPA 27 November 2019 Belinda Varischetti: First though, Western Australia’s agricultural industry will be one of the big winners of a new trade deal between Australia and Indonesia. It’s called the Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement, and the legislation making it official passed through Parliament yesterday. Simon Birmingham is the Federal Trade Minister.…
